Opencart AWB Bookurier Shipping Label ModuleOpencart Version: 1.5.6.x - 2.0.x to 2.2.x & 3.xThis opencart module integrate the Bookurier Service to your opencart store admin. Store owner can generate the Bookurie AWB Code and print Shipping Label by sending order data to Bookurier. This opencart extension set the Order Status = Shipped and Send Email to customer with generate AWB code automatically.BOOKURIER ADMIN DEMOuser : demopass : demo(Go to Sales > Orders, then View any Order and cl..
Opencart Chilexpress Shipping (Nacional)Versions: 1.5.x.x
(use Chile city-state-zipcode in Shipping Address on Checkout page)
This extension allows you to get Opencart Chilexpress Shipping
(Nacional) shipping rates. Very useful for calculation shipping for
Chile customers.
You can add Additional Cost to the shipping rates...
GLS Denmark Parcel Shop Shipping (Flat Rate) by ZipcodeOpenCart Versions: 1.5.x.x - 2.x.x.x - 3.0.xThis extension allows you to get GLS Parcel Shops in Denmark, search by zipcode. User can select any near Parcel shop around them and get their orders from that shop.ADMIN DEMOUSER - demo PASS - demoFRONT DEMO(use Denmark city-state-zipcode in Shipping Address)Add any item and go to Shopping Cart page.Calculate the shipping using any Denmark location and zipcode.You will see the GLS Parcel Shop nam..
GLS Denmark Parcel Shop Shipping (Weight Based) by ZipcodeOpenCart Versions: 1.5.x.x - 2.x - 3.0.xThis extension allows you to get GLS Parcel Shops in Denmark, search by zipcode. User can select any near Parcel shop around them and get their orders from that shop. Store owner can specify shipping rates based on Weight under shipping setting.ADMIN DEMOUSER - demoPASS - demoFRONT DEMO(use Denmark city-state-zipcode in Shipping Address)Add any item and go to Shopping Cart page.Calculate the shippin..
Opencart UPS Rating Ground Freight LTLOpenCart Versions: - 1.5.x - 2.x - 3.xFRONT DEMOADMIN DEMOuser - demo pass - demoWhat does it do:UPS RATING GROUND FREIGHT LTL is a group of additional features for the UPS extension that comes with OpenCart.This addon offers the following features:- Freight calculation for Packaging Type - Pallet and Bag.- Average Pallet Weight- Average Box per Pallet- Additional Fee (%) to shipping rates.- Total weight require to activate the Shipping method.Requirements:*..